I am currently a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Brown University, School of Engineering. I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles in 2019 supervised by Prof. Jason Cong, who leads UCLA VAST (VLSI Architecture, Synthesis and Technology) Group and CDSC (The Center for Domain-Specific Computing). My major interest is in Customized Computer Architecture and Programming Abstraction for Applications including Healthcare, e.g., Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence. I’m honored to receive “Outstanding Recognition in Research” from UCLA Samueli School of Engineering in 2019. I have also received 🏆 2019 TCAD Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award 🏆 in recognition of best paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD) in the two calendar years preceding the award. My papers have also received 🏆 2024 IGSC Best Viewpoint Paper 🏆, 2018 IEEE/ACM ICCAD Best Paper Nominee 🏆, 2018 IEEE ISPASS Best Paper Nominee 🏆.
I’m actively recruiting PhD students and research interns! Self-motivated students with relevant research and project experience (compiler, GPU and FPGA programming, artificial intelligence algorithm and application development, etc.) are highly encouraged to contact me via email.
Download my CV.
Website at Brown
Former Website at UCLA
PhD in Computer Science, 2019
University of California, Los Angeles
MSc in Electrical Engineering, 2014
University of California, Los Angeles
BSc in Electrical Engineering, 2012
Southeast University, Chien-Shiung Wu Honor College