06/17/2023 Prof. Zhou Will Organize HipChips2023 Co-located at ISCA2023 with DJ and Weifeng
What? 🎉
The 3rd International HiPChips Workshop, along with ISCA-2023
Online Attend? 🌐 Virtual (Yes, It is Free to Everyone) !!
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83130309538
When? ⏰
Day-Date: Saturday, June 17th, 2023, 9AM - 5PM EST, Whole-Day Event
Where? 📍
Location: Orlando, Florida, Marriott World Center Orlando
Venue: Please visit the ISCA-2023 website or go directly to the HiPChips website at: https://hipchips.github.io/isca2023/#schedule